Wednesday, January 13, 2010

fabulous, dahling, fabulous.

Whee! Off to Paris! (If you say this in a classy, sophisticated French accent it rhymes.)

For winter break I jetsetted to Paris. And let me tell you, it definitely lived up to its fabulous, luxurious reputation. Lucky me got to experience this vacation with my fabulous grandparents and therefore in a little more luxury as well.

With all the women in fur coats, painted ceilings, chandelliers, designer stores, and monuments, the fabulous factor of this city is potentially overwhelming. So as not to get you too worked up I'll just give you a quick run down of it all.

Let's start with the fabulous food: crepes, croissants, macaroons, bread, cheese, and (ok not so fabulous but not awful) escargot.

Fabulous store windows with 100,000 dollar diamond necklaces, 600 euro Jimmy Choo high heels, etc. This one was the window display of a famous dance shoes/clothing company.

Fabulous museums...Impressionist museums with Monet and Manet...the Louvre and Ms. Mona Lisa...and the Musee d'Orsay (a museum inside an old train station).

Fabulous sites: My favorite was the Opera House; I just couldn't believe how beautiful the construction and decoration was and fitting for a place where art is created and preformed. It had a cool library of all the old scrips and models of old sets.

The fabulousness continued with Notre Dame and Saint Chapelle - a small church dripping with stained glass that tells the story of the Bible on the windows. And of course the Eiffel Tower.

Paris is so fabulous it can't all be contained in the city. It extends out to Versailles, the extravagant palace King Louis XIV built. Oh you know, just for the summer. With, ya know, just 1,000 sculptures and paintings of himself. When Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI he let her remodel part of the land into a beyond fabulous, breathtaking, fairyland hamelt.

All in all, the city of lights did not fail its reputation one bit.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, great pictures. Thanks for that one! I'm confused about what the beauty is having there, I am just new to there. I am waiting for the moment I will be there. Thanks for showing.
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