Thursday, October 15, 2009


San Sebastian is a small town with small things. Take for example their version of tapas, Pinchos. Instead of ordering big plates for the table, platters of small choices are laid out all over the bar. You take what you want and pay at the end for however many you got. Not sure why Madrid doesn't implement this ingenuity. You don't have to compromise and order something for the table and you can try as many different things as you want!

The first night we went to a bar and got super small food! The kobi burger was no joke the size of the bottom of a water bottle. ¡QuĂ© mona! my Spain sis would say. A Fuego Negro. Intense name for such baby sized food. But it was delish.

I also got pepper and chocolate for dessert (in Basque language in San Sebastian chocolate is spelled with tx for the ch sound). Sounds weird but it was actually good. It tasted like a piece of fudge with a glaze that slightly resembled red pepper. I love chocolate. I love peppers. So it was worth a try.

We eventually made it over to a legit pinchos bar. Baguettes with awesome seafood since San Sebastian is right on the northern coast of Spain, croquettes (friend potatoe roll) and so much more! You grab a napkin and start picking! Stand and eat. Then push your way through the crowd to grab more.

When you're done you tell the bartender how many you ate. Don't cheat! They know. Pay. Then throw your napkin on the floor. I felt weird doing it, but it's the way.

There are also way too many small cookies in San Sebastian. Pastry shops are more common than ATMs and there is for sure one every block. Sooooo good.

Okay so maybe the gelato in San Sebastian isn't small...

Okay, neither are the baguettes...we only had four!

Anyway, we did more than eat believe it or not. Views like this make hiking one of the hills of the quaint beach town well worth the trek.

There are also these cool statues off the coast, wincoms or something like that.

Oh, one more thing. Okay: I hate alcohol. I can always taste it no matter what anyone says about their favorite mixed drink. HOWEVER, Mia and her San Sebastian savyness introduced me to cuarenta y tres and cococao. Chocolate milk plus alchi basically. So sweet! Even I can't taste anything!
I need to get me some of this to take back to the states... (I'll be 21 by then, Mom, don't worry!)

Glad my best friend from first grade is studying abroad in this awesome small place.

1 comment:

  1. Hey very god food there and I am very eager to study at this place and I am planing to do my Masters abroad and got good suggestions also here.. Thanks..

    cartucho r4i
