Friday, September 11, 2009

park it.

Today I saw kids skateboarding on the benches outside of Palacio Real. People travel 6000 miles from California to take a picture of this building and for some preteens it is an after school hang out!? Still can't quite wrap my head around that one... Anyway, another spot where locals just kick it while tourists like me stand in awe is the famous Parque del Retiro. This sight is definitely not overhyped. In fact, no magazine, travel channel, or guide book, could even do it justice in words. So come see!

Best friends make parks even better!

Remember when everything in your world was awe inspiring because everything was new? Being in a foreign country brings you back to that...

The U.S. - or at least CA for sure - could use some lessons from Madrid. This city puts big-time effort into its public parks. And the result is a great Saturday!

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