Saturday, June 26, 2010

day trippin.

I've been spending my last days in Madrid re-visiting the museums, saying goodbye to people, and walking around taking pictures of everything that has been my life for the past 10 months. I also went on two day trips to cities right outside of Madrid that I hadn't seen yet.

Aranjuez is 45 minutes away from Madrid by train. Mainly all it has to offer is a royal palace and some pretty gardens. I was pretty bored at first on the palace tour but toward the end some of the rooms were definitely almost as cool as the one's in Madrid's Palacio Real.

El Escorial is 45 minutes away by bus. It has an enormous monastery that was impossible to get a good picture of. I really wish I could have taken pictures inside though. Once I made it passed the repetitive religious art there were some intense tombs and a cool old library.

So even if you could get bored in Madrid (which I don't think you can) there is plenty to see close by.

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