Tuesday, October 27, 2009

dun dun dun.

Why have I been MIA from blogging? Well, for one I had to face my worst nightmare: a two day group presentation in front of 70 Spanish peers. yes, IN SPANISH. We had to represent and analyze three short stories by Ruben Dario.

Great. Awesome. Cool. FML. $%@#.

This basically sums our feelings before presentation.

Pájaro azul y Garcín.

Our group. Luckily Allie and I had very nice compañeros. Mónica and Carlos. We're dressed as gnomes for our musical portion of the representation. Yeah...don't worry about it. PS Carlos def shaved his head in front of the whole class on the second day to represent passage of time in one of the stories. Epic.

We survived! And did an excellent job for foreign students if I do say so myself. But yeah, next time you feel like complaining about class, a presentation, or even a chem and math final on the same day just remember: AT LEAST IT'S IN ENGLISH.

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